Please read the privacy policy carefully to learn the terms and conditions under which your personal information will be stored, used and protected on our site. By providing personal information or browsing the site, you are automatically agreeing to the rules of use, protection and security set forth herein.


By using the services of our site we will ask for your identification. That is, it will be necessary to fill in a personal register containing required and optional fields. In addition to this information, we may also store data about your last hits, preferences, and gender details.
The information collected will not be used to invade your privacy. The data provided to our company and will be used in order to provide a special and individualized service to each customer. That way we can get to know you better and improve our service by meeting your needs and meeting your expectations.


You may receive, if you have previously authorized, personalized newsletters according to your interests described in your profile. In this case, we may send correspondence, promotional and institutional materials, as well as confirmations or cancellations of transactions made by you on the site.


This site uses technology based on the use of cookies, small text files sent to your browser, which are stored on your computer and allow the recognition of computers that access our site. That way we can know your preferences and customize our service.
These cookies are safe, private, anonymous, do not transmit viruses and are used solely for your benefit. They are also used to measure certain site traffic patterns in order to provide better navigation on our pages.
Typically, browsers (Netscape, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chromes) are already set to allow cookies to be set. You can also specify whether or not you want to be asked by the program before a particular site places a cookie on your computer´s hard drive. You may also choose whether or not to allow your browser to accept cookies on this site or any other cookie.


This site may contain links or frames from other sites, our partners. These links and frames are made available to promote benefits and facilities to our customers. This does not mean that we are responsible for the content of these links, this responsibility rests with the servers of these web pages.
Importantly, we aim to only provide links or frames from reputable and reliable companies. However, as stated above, we are not responsible for the information, products and services obtained by users on such websites. We are also not responsible for the business practices and privacy policies adopted by other companies. We are not responsible for any loss or damage suffered as a result of using these resources.


We reserve the right at any time to modify, alter, add or remove portions of this policy without prior notice.
Thank you for your preference!